Pudge Hook Wars V1.9 + AI
Changelogs: ( 10 )
Main :
*New Skill Swarm of Flies
-Creates a Swarm of Flies at the target location after 2 seconds
delay which slows enemy unit's MS by 50/55/60/65/70% within 350 AoE.
It also reduces enemy unit's Magic Resistance by 15/23/31/39/47%
which last 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 23/22/21/20/19 seconds
Manacost: 40
*Flaming Hook duration increased from 12 to 23 seconds.
*Can now command ally AI to move to a specific location by typing "move here".
(Ally AIs will move to where your camera is centered when you typed the command).
Bugs Fixed :
*Fix AI buying the same item even though it already has.
*Fix AI being AFK in shop.
*Fix AI FFA MODE buying only Hook Rupture type items.
*Fix Attack Damage dealt when bought an item granting Magic Resistance
Extras :
*Rune of Hook Damage effect is now removed after dying.
*Rune of Vision effect is now removed after dying.
*Rune of Vitality effect is now removed after dying.
Released: 7/6/14